Sunday, April 28, 2013

Reading Blog #4

I felt very sad  Siddhartha, and his son. Personally I know how hard and painful it is to lose a parent, so I definitely feel for him.   I relate the new relationship that Siddhartha and his son now have to the series The Following.  A child is reunited to his father who he hasn’t seen since he was very little (in Siddhartha’s case never).  The child struggles a lot to adapt to his new lifestyle, but its just two different for him.   I think that if I was in Siddhartha’s place I would never be able to let my son just go I think I would change to make him feel more comfortable.  Even if that means taking a step back in the process to become enlighten.

 It looks like that the wiser he becomes the less he feels superior to others.  He really gets people, and he appreciates everything they have to say and struggle with also.  He has to live with that constant pain of losing a son, which I would consider unbearable.   Seeing that he is finally enlightened, and finally became the Buddha confused me.  If he had already met the Buddha and then became the Buddha, does it mean that it is possible for any person to reach that stage, and become the Buddha?  I was also confused about Vasueda being like G-d , because I never understood G-d´s role or meaning to the Buddhist.  Seeing that Govinda and Siddhartha meet again was very interesting, and it reinforced the relationships and its importance.  Again at the end you can see how Siddhartha was just always better at everything than Govinda.  Govinda would always be in Siddhartha’s shadow.           

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